About Us

The Nashville Soccer Archive is maintained and published by Clay Trainum, a former college sports media professional based in Middle Tennessee.

This website is a labor of love that has evolved over the years, and as information continues to get added to the site, it’s important to recognize some of the folks that have contributed to the growth of this project. One of the primary drivers in the early days is Aaron Ordoubadian Black, himself also a Nashville soccer history nerd. There are also many thanks to go around, including to James Cannon, Austin Gwin and Ron Deal, formerly of Nashville Soccer Club, as well as current club employees Chris Jones and Andrew Fair. In addition, a hearty thanks go to former Nashville Metros owner Devinder Sandhu and the United Soccer League’s Nicholas Murray. Special recognition is also due to Middle Tennessee State University’s James E. Walker Library, which houses a microfilm collection that makes up the bulk of information from soccer’s early days in Middle Tennessee.

Trainum continues to be a loyal season ticketholder for Nashville Soccer Club and co-host of Pharmaceutical Soccer. He resides in Antioch with his fiancée, Mary.